Family Tree Funeral Company

The Old Painswick Inn, Gloucester St, GL5 1QG, Stroud, Gloucestershire

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Family Tree Funeral Company

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We are professional funeral directors, who help you plan and conduct a personal funeral. We work with you and your family, so the funeral reflects your family's style and values, and the life of the person who has died. We help with choices, information, and guidance so the funeral is meaningful to you, and you get exactly what you want. You can have as much - or as little - involvement as you would like. We will help you plan a funeral in advance, and on pre-payment plans. Any enquiry is welcome ... ... A very personally managed, full service Funeral Directors in Stroud and around. Working in collaboration with you we will make sure you think about and then get exactly what you want, and that you feel confident that you have done it all right, with no regrets afterwards about the farewell you designed. You can expect a heartfelt, and well researched 'green' policy. It may help you know that our interest extends beyond the type of coffin to include the whole funeral, from how we understand and treat the person who has died, to the kind of food you want at the gathering afterwards, and what happens to the flowers from the coffin: as well as every detail that goes into making what you might consider to have been a 'good funeral'. We are transparent about the cost of things, and you can ask us any questions and know we will be clear and kind and straight with the answers.

Funeral Director in Stroud, Gloucestershire.

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