Greaves Funeral Services

as reviewed by


Extremely Professional, Beautiful!


With numerous Funeral Directors in the business, it was somewhat difficult and not an easy decision to entrust my late Brother to; to give him the respectful, decent send off that he deserved!

Well, Ian Greece\'s and his staff carried out a professional, dignified, honourable services for my brother and my family. Ian paid attention to every detail, and our requests and assisted with some personal touches, that you would definitely not receive from a high street Funeral Directors .

From the initial contact Ian Greaves spoke calmly, made us all feel at ease, listened to our requests, answered our questions and was extremely professional throughout.

Ian and his staff were fully dressed in smart suits, represented and honoured our wishes by wearing something \'blue\' (My Brother was a avid Chelsea football supporter)

Ian promptly responded to emails, text messages and phone calls., and was always asking if we had any questions or if we were not happy with anything, but in all truthfulness, I cannot say or do anything accept praise, thank and commendate Ian Greaves Funeral Services for a successful day, that ran smoothly with no problems.

Thank you Ian, and I praise God for you, and wish you every success in your business.

God Bless You.

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